You can be treated by Phone, Skype, Facetime or WhatsApp From the Comfort of Your Home!
You can be treated by Phone, Skype, Facetime or WhatsApp From the Comfort of Your Home!
You will be treated anywhere in the USA by Dr. Carson with no drugs or medications of any kind.
After the first session, you will begin to feel empowered, and in only 3 sessions, you will be able to achieve complete happiness regardless of external circumstances.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder through a special intervention which processes the root cause so that you can have a happy life free from the negativity of the past, no matter how long you have been suffering from severe dysfunction.
At the first session and permenantly after the third session, even long-term severe pain due to accidents or spinal problems and get off the pain killers without going through withddrawal.
You can heal from diabetes completely and be Free from insulin injections.
Cravings are removed permanently at the first session without medications or diets. Here you get tools to release the weight permanently at the rate of 2-5 pounds per week, and the root cause of the weight is processed, so you never regain it.
You will receive a stress control tool that works every time you use it to remove all stressors, whether they are coming from within or from outside of you.
The root cause of your sleeplessness is discovered and processed neurologically so that you can sleep peacefully and deeply without the help of any medication.
Your thyroid can be healed without any medications.
Turn any negative habit into a gift and watch your life blossom!
Learn to appreciate and love yourself no matter what happened in the past.
Check out the next page to see a list of most ailments which are treated for complete wellness in only three sessions.
Because I care about you and I have a passion for helping you to heal, and everyone I have treated in over 30 years has healed in only 3 sessions after the consultation. If you think this is too good to be true, please check out the rest of this website and watch the videos above. I will call you to make sure you're doing well and using the tools that I gave you to empower you. You cannot fail to heal just as I healed myself first. I used to believe that I had to endure pain and suffering, but as I devised ways to heal myself, I incorporated them into the technology I invented.
You can begin to enjoy your life fully in three treatments after the consultation, beginning to feel better after the first!
I am here to help you and support you. Call me and let me address all your concerns free of charge.
Dr. Carson's Credentials
Doctor Carson has several degrees (a total of seven) and two doctorates including degrees in Psychology, Metaphysical Science, a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy, and certification in over 20 sub-modalities.
Doctor Carson is a Trauma Specialist and is also a Certified Energy Therapist™ , Certified Domestic Abuse Specialist and is trained in E.F.T™ ., Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ , Time-Line Therapy™ , Applied ™ , E.M.D.R.™ , The Radiance Technique™ , Reiki™ , The Reconnection/Reconnection Healing™ and many other certifications, all registered professional techniques. She is also an ordained minister.
Hours of Operation:
M-F 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., Sat-Sun Closed
© copyright 2002: Dr. Viviane Carson